Spicy Watering Can
Salsa Can Cleaned can
pre-drawn holes Drill bit and drill
drilled holes Drawn label
Garden Helper with his well watered soil
Today my garden helper
and I are starting seeds for our green house.
The soil was put in the cups. I had
our seeds out and ready. Wait, I don’t have a way to water the seeds. So I looked around the house and found a
Salsa container my husband had finished.
I cleaned off the label, drilled holes and drew a label on the can. Time to test it out; no sooner had I started
pouring the water from the can into a Rubbermaid container then in runs my
gardening helper. “I want to try it!” he
says enthusiastically. He figures out
that if he squeezes the container, it will rain down in strong steady streams,
instead of the gentle dribbles I was getting.
We now have thoroughly soaked
soil waiting for seeds.