I was working on one of my callings for church. A calling is like a job that you volunteer your time and service to do. I was wondering if there was some way I could use my talent in art to do my calling better. It occurred to me that maybe drawing what I was trying to say might be a better way to explain what I was talking about. Words are not my strength. This eventually lead me to learning more about comics. I have casually read comics in the past but now I am reading them from a more creative, analytical side of things. I have learned a lot about the ways emotions can be conveyed in certain thought bubbles or speech bubbles. The way movement can be shown through lines. I can tell I still have a lot to learn.
Additionally I have never been good at simple artwork and so I have been trying to work on art that is simpler. Comic drawings seem to be a crazy balance between massive amounts of visual information and yet they do not have all the information a photograph would contain. Comics seem to have the most important information for the reader to understand what is going on, the emotions behind it, and the situation the character is in.
I have never drawn in this particular style or ever done a comic before, it was quite challenging to try. It certainly isn't a comic book but it's longer than a comic strip. I am not sure if there is some sort of classification for this length. I don't know if I would call this successful but it was really fun to try it. I am gaining more appreciation for the difficulty of what comic artists do with their art.
Here is what I came up with for my first try. I was imagining, "What would be like if Captain America needed help doing his family tree?"