Last fall I was planting peas and wondering how I was going to stake them? I was out of poles for the peas to climb. As I was thinking about this need I was looking at our yard and I noticed some of our flowers. We have these plants that have long stems that bloom flowers all along the stem and I thought those stems are as straight as dowels you buy at the store.
I started wondering if I cut these stems off the plant after they were done flowering if they would be strong enough for a plant to train or curl up them. What did I have to loose, cutting off the stems wouldn't hurt the plant and if it worked I would have the poles I needed for free.
So we took our tree lopper and cut a whole bunch of these stems after they were done flowering and laid them flat to dry. It took about a month and a half . And sure enough the heavier stems were sturdy enough to use as poles for the plants to climb up. Now I don't have to keep buying these. I can just cut and dry them out every year and I will always have plenty of poles for our plants without spending any money on it.
Cut stem after all flowering has stopped and lay on a flat dry surface to dry out.
Wait till it is completely dry.
Stake the plants you need and watch them climb.