Wednesday, December 30, 2020

How to make a patchwork Christmas stocking with FREE printable PDF pattern

If you just need the pattern here is the link. 

Stocking Pattern

Supplies                                                                                                   Quantity

sheets of printer paper                                                                                                          - 4

2 1/2" x 2 1/2" squares(6.5cm x 6.5 cm) scrap fabric                                                          - 88

23" x 13" lining fabric                                                                                                            - 2

23" x 13" batting                                                                                                                    - 2

2" x 8" top band of stocking                                                                                                   - 2

2" x 8" binding and loop                                                                                                        - 3

3 1/2" x 5" heal                                                                                                                     - 2

5 1/2" x 4 1/2" toe                                                                                                                 - 2

Spool of thread                                                                                                                      - 1

Sewing pins

Scissors or rotor cutter



Step 1. Print out pattern. Glue together the pattern then cut it out.


Step 2. Cut out fabric.

For quilt top layout squares in the arrangement that is visually pleasing to you.
 Then stitch it together row by row and line by line using the same process for a basic quilt top. It should look like something like this:
Step 3. Pin right sides of the stocking and the top band together.

Step 4. Stack all three layers together and sew together the sandwich. You can sew just along the edge or you can quilt it together for extra texture.

Step 5. Fold edges of heals and toes and pin down then sew down the edges.

Step 6 . Iron loop along fold lines and press lines. 

Pin along edge of loop then sew along both edges of loop to reinforce edges of loop.

Step 7. Place the the right sides of the stocking together. Place the loop inside the right side of the stoking so that the raw edges of the loop line up with the raw edges of the stocking. Pin this all together and sew along edge the flip out.

Step 8. Take stocking binding and place right sides together. Pin along short edge of binding and sew together on only one side.

Iron seam flat then press in folds like you did with the loop.

Place binding around the top edge of the stocking and pin in place then sew along the edge to finish the stocking.


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